Adding Pie Chart In Favicon
Piecon is a tiny libraryof JavaScript which can generate live working pie charts in your favicon. As you can see below:
If you want to see it in action visit here.
It has been tested in following three browsers:
- Chrome 15+
- Firefox 9+
- Opera 11+
Basic Usage:
color: ‘#ff0084′, // Pie chart color
background: ‘#bbb’, // Empty pie chart color
shadow: ‘#fff’, // Outer ring color
fallback: ‘false’ // Toggles displaying percentage in the title bar (possible values – true, false, ‘force’)
Adding Changing Images and Bubbles In Favicon
Piecon is inspired by Tinycon which manipulates the favicon by adding bubbles and changing images.
It adds a single object to the global namespace without any initialization. You can change the width, height, font,color, background and fallback of alert bubbles in your favicon.
Basic Useage:
width: 7,
height: 9,
font: ’10px arial’,
colour: ‘#ffffff’,
background: ‘#549A2F’,
fallback: true
Tinycon is also been tested in the same three browsers and its release are available for download at GitHub, visit here.
The post Generating Pie Charts, Changing Images And Bubbles In Your Website’s Favicon appeared first on Internet Growth Engine.